Skills and Employment Board – Minutes

16 March 2021 10:00 - 12:00



Members present




York College

Lee Probert (LP) (Chair)

Chief Executive and Principal

City of York Council - Executive

Councillor Andrew Waller (CAW)

Executive Member - Economy and Strategic Planning


Gareth Forest (GF)

Policy and Campaigns


Bethan Vincent (BV)

Marketing Director



York St John University

Professor Karen Bryan (KB)



York Jobcentre

Angela Stabeler(AS)

York & North Yorkshire Employer and Partnership Manager

West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce

Mark Goldstone (MG)

Head of Policy and Business Representation

York and North Yorkshire LEP

Jude Knight (JK)

Head of Skills

Simpson York Limited

Amanda Davidson (AD)

HR Manager

Askham Bryan College

Dr Tim Whitaker (TW)

Chief Executive

Federation of Small Businesses

Caroline Chapman

Business Owner and Member Representative

The Skills Network

Mark Dawe (MD)

Chief Executive

University of York

Amanda Selvaratnam (ASe)

Associate Director of Research and Enterprise and Head of Enterprise Services

City of York Council

Maxine Squire (MS)

Assistant Director - Education and Skills


In attendance




City of York Council

Simon Brereton (SB)

Head of Economic development

City of York Council

Alison Edeson (AE)

Skills Team Manager

Annabel Jelley Consulting

Annabel Jelley (AJ)

Strategy development consultant

Askham Bryan College

Billy Miller (BM)

Guest as lead for Commitment 4

University of York

Anna Hastie (AH)

Guest as lead for Commitment 2

York St John University

Rob Mortimer (RM)

Guest as lead for Commitment 3

York College

Marie Neal-Smith (MNS)

Guest as lead for Commitment 1







University of York

Professor Kiran Trehan (KT)

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement

City of York Council

Claire Foale (CF)

Communications Team








1.      Introduction


Lee Probert (Chair) welcomed members to the meeting.


Apologies had been received from Professor Kiran Trehan (University of York) and Claire Foale (City of York Council). 


2.      Minutes from last meeting 25  February 2021


The minutes were agreed as a true record of the meeting that took place on 25 February 2021.


AE reported that other actions were complete.


3.      One Year ‘Skills for Employment Plan’ review of Implementation Plans


AS provided an introduction to this agenda item which was to look at each of the four One year Plan commitments to;


  1. Gain agreement or otherwise with suggested plans
  2. Challenge the actions within the four commitments
  3. Highlight existing activity that could contribute
  4. Gain an agreement on the resources required
  5. Agree on measures of success and timelines
  6. Agree how will progress be monitored and reported


It was recognised that some of the activities, such as setting up frameworks and partnerships for the longer-term strategy, would commence but not be completed within the life of the one-year plan.


It was agreed that the meeting would be recorded for the purpose of note taking only and not for further publication.


3.1   Commitment 4 - Education to Employment and Self-employment


Billy Miller (BM)(Askham Bryan) joined the meeting for this item. BM gave an overview of the work to date from the group and praised all members for their contributions and hard work in a tight timescale.


The discussion was opened to the floor and members gave feedback on the main priorities of the implementation plan. Key points raised included;


       Activity must add value rather than duplicate existing initiatives

       Provision must be coherent across the city

       Priorities must be decided upon as the activity currently planned is substantial and ambitious

       Potential to bid to the Community Renewal Fund to pilot some activities but expectations need to be managed as York is not one of the 100 priority areas.

       Clarification was sought on the ‘platform’ described in the plan

       Employer voice must be considered further


3.2  Commitment 3 - Pioneering Provision


Rob Mortimer (RM) (York St John University) joined the meeting for this item. RM introduced the work of the group followed by a discussion among the members. Key points raised included;


       Provision mapping is needed but must be prioritised

       Employer voice needs to be strengthened, and thought given to the mechanisms that enable employer input

       Work on LMI and skills gaps has been done by individual partners to a limited extent and this will be shared (TW)

       Remote learning means that the offer is not just local or national but global

       Publicly funded provision relies on lengthy accreditation of new courses and therefore it is more difficult to be nimble and responsive to employer needs.


3.3 Commitment 1 -  York Works


Marie Neal-Smith (MNS) (York College) joined the meeting for this item. MNS  introduced the work of the group followed by a discussion among the members. Key points raised included;


       Digital skills must be a major priority at all levels

       Digital poverty is an issue and creates barriers to learning and securing work

       Vulnerable, economically inactive and those furthest from the job market  people must be the priority in the years post COVID

       IAG and careers advice is critical and a scoping exercise is needed to ascertain what current needs are.


3.4 Commitment 2 - Empowered Employers


Anna Hastie (AH)(University of York) joined the meeting for this item. AH introduced the work of the group followed by a discussion among the members. Key points raised included;


       Support for  a business and provider group explicitly to bid for funding as a partnership

       Adult IAG and skills advice tailored for employers is needed

       Clarification of what a skills hub would look like

       Employer voice needs to be stronger (and linked to other commitments)

       Future skills needs such as net zero construction must be factored in

       Consideration to be given to school involvement in this commitment



4.      Next steps


It was agreed that a summary of the main priorities across all four commitments was needed and would be pulled together by the next meeting.


A pilot for provision mapping the digital sector was agreed.



The next meeting is scheduled for 15th April. 


5.      AOB None


Action Log




By when

Date completed


Share copy of economic presentation


W/E 8 January 2021

8 January 2021


Share copy of Timeline


W/E 8 January 2021

8 January 2021


Amend ToR and issue final version


W/E 8 January 2021

8 January 2021


Share copy of communications strategy  presentation


W/E 8 January 2021

8 January 2021


Circulate dates for early 2021 meetings


W/E 8 January 2021

8 January 2021


Circulate emerging priorities for comment and set out plan ahead of March 2021


End January 2021

29 January 2021







Share copy One Year Plan presentation


29 January 2021

29 January 2021


Raise question of LSIP pilot at Higher York


W/E  5 February 2021



Follow up on LSIP pilot next steps with MG


W/E 19 February 2021



Members to feed into One Year Plan any extra comments


W/E  5 February 2021

05 February 2021


Members to inform AJ if they wish to join a task and finish group for 2-5 year Plan


W/E  5 February 2021

05 February 2021


Provide update on Local Skills Partnership Pilots when more is known from DfE





Send any further amendments to the One Year Plan to AE


4 March 2021




Share existing LMI and any existing provision mapping

TW and All

15 April 2021



Provide a  summary of the main priorities across all four commitments

AS (T&F Group)

15 April 2021